Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

We waited 19 years for this movie, was it worth the wait?


It was better than Temple of Doom. Do I really need to expand on that?

There wasn't any real action until 15 minutes in. The violence was very subdued compared to the three previous films. I never really got the sense that they knew what they wanted to do with that movie. I can just see them writing the script:

"Let's try this!"
"Ok, let's go there. Then we could throw in this bit of childish humor, we want to appeal to kids."
"Oh yeah, kids will love that. All kids love slapstick."
"Well what about the plot?"
"Yeah, do we really need one? It's Indiana Jones, people will go to see it regardless."

And we did! There were parts of the movie that worked, but it was disconnected for the most part. I think Spielberg has gotten too artsy to do a movie like Indiana Jones. I know Minority Report was a sci-fi/action movie, but that's different. It was a much better film than any of the Indiana Jones movies. Stop, I don't want to hear it. Raiders was awesome but Minority Report is better.

Spielberg's too detached from the action/adventure genre. It just felt forced. Each one of his jokes felt forced and stupid. There weren't any truly funny moments like when he shoots the swordsman in the market in Raiders. None of that.

Cate Blanchett was just weird as the villain. Her accent went in and out throughout the film. You never really got the sense that she was going to be much of a threat. She wasn't as despicable as Belloq or Donovan in Crusade.

It felt like an A-Team movie.

1 comment:

Chadwick said...

I've yet to see this movie and most likely will not until it is released on DVD. I do believe that Harrison has made a lot of bad career choices since the last movie and this will definitely bring the issue of quality to the forefront. Don't get me wrong, I want to like Harrison, he gave us a lot of good movies in his prime, but he just keeps making it more difficult to do so.

Here's a question. Why can't these guys come up with new movies instead of making sequels to past hits? I liken this to remaking a hit song. We've heard the song. No one else can possibly sing it any better, as timing and originality can't be remade.

The same goes for movies. Please, let us all stop drudging up the past and start to develop some new characters and story lines. That would be refreshing.