Friday, May 23, 2008

A sign of things to come?

Here we have a picture of John McCain before taking office. And a picture of John McCain after taking office. Things aren't looking up for the country right now. You have two psychos on the left who want to give us socialized health care, open boarders, taxes on "man made" global warming, and they're vowing to end the war in Iraq within a year!

On the right you have a man that wants to privatize health care (good!), tax us on "man made" global warming, open the boarders, but fight the war out to victory. I guess two out of four isn't bad, but the man won't attack anybody on the left. Instead he chastises people on the right for telling it like it is. Every time he gives a speech it induces sleep. How many times is he going to vow to catch Bin Laden?

Whenever he mentions "man made" global warming I want to scream my head off. How can you vote for a man who has bought into the biggest hoax ever perpetuated by humans? How intelligent can he be?

If we vote for McCain we're going to be slightly less screwed than we would be with Barry Hussein Obama or Hillary.

I'm still on the fence.

1 comment:

Chadwick said...

Ha Ha! This is a good comparison. It doesn't matter who gets elected, the road ahead doesn't look too promising. Let's make one thing clear though, there is no candidate representing the party of which I am a member.

My fear is that McCain will win the election and be crucified by the media as a typical republican, which couldn't be any further from the truth. He's not a republican, he's an usher. It's not going to be good.