Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Bear

It's the week of the Memorial Tournament, so needless to say my mind is on the great one, Jack Nicklaus. He is my favorite athlete of all time, second is Peter Forsberg, but that's for another post.

THIS is one of the better articles you will read on the greatest golfer that ever lived. The single greatest thing I have ever seen in sports was the 1977 Open Championship at Turnberry. Jack finished second to Tom Watson, but it was the greatest display of relentless determination I have ever seen. You won't find this anywhere on today's tour.

HERE is a link to the 18th hole of the event. Jack was one back of Watson going into 18. Jack pulled his driver, but pushed it to the right in the deep gorse grass. Watson laced his drive right down the middle. Watson hit a seven iron for his second shot and put it about 2 feet from the hole. The commentators thought there was no way for Jack to get the ball to the green, but he somehow managed to get it on the green about 40-50 feet from the hole. Jack made his putt, which forced Watson to make his 2 footer. Watson made the putt and won the Open. That was a short putt, but I'll bet if you asked Watson if he felt any pressure he'd say "My God did I ever!"

Of course, Jack was his simple, humble self at the award ceremony saying, "I gave it my best shot, but it just wasn't good enough. You were a better golfer today." It just doesn't get any better than that. There will never be another golfer like Jack.


Zach said...

I know that Tiger is a phenomenal golfer, one of the best ever, but he just doesn't have the competition. You never see anybody go head to head with him and beat him. Face it, when he came along it was set up perfectly for him.

Now take a look at the past. Whenever a golfer dominated his generation, he had some tough competitors. Ben Hogan had to play against Sam Snead and Byron Nelson. Two of the greatest golfers ever. Bobby Jones had to play against Walter Hagen and Gene Sarazin. Arnie had to play against Hogan (briefly), Player, Casper, and Jack.

Jack had to play against Arnie, Player, Watson, Trevino, Miller, Weiskopf, Ballesteros, Floyd, Irwin, Ioki, Jacklin, and many others.

Seriously, does it get any tougher than that? Jack played the best and beat the best. There is no doubt that Jack is the best golfer ever.

Anybody that says Tiger's the best ever is ignorant. Let's look at his competition.

Phil, Veej, Sergio, and Joey Sindelar.

I would have said Ernie, but he's done. Retief acts like he's going to get back on track, but he's done. Geoff Ogilvy is a one and done guy. Mike Weir can't keep it together for four rounds. Steve Stricker can't putt well enough.

Hell, maybe Cabrera will step up and win some more. I'd love it if Andres Romero went to the next level.

Bottom line, if Tiger's in the lead, it's over.

Jack played against men and that's the true test of a champion.

Chadwick said...

I don't like to compare golfers, I just have my favorites. Obviously, I love Jack, but I also for some reason like Retief. His putting in the final round of the 2004 U.S. Open at Shinicock was the best I have ever seen. I find myself favoring the guys that show me something pure and different.

I have nothing but respect for Tiger and I do enjoy watching him decimate the field, but the media frenzy that has clung itself to him drives me insane. I like Tiger's personality for the most part, but he certainly lacks the humility of Jack. I do love it when Tiger gives nothing to the media in interviews. They're like little children asking to have a piece of candy before dinner and he reminds them who their daddy is.

That aside, Tiger really doesn't have too much competition. The best competition he got was from Bob May in the 2000 PGA Championship. Phil and Vijay are certainly great golfers, but they never seem to contend when Tiger is in the lead. We've never had the pleasure of watching the showdown we all want.

Ernie has gone toe to toe with Tiger on a couple occasions. His last playoff with Tiger at the Johnny Walker in 2001 was the one that broke his back. I don't think he's mentally recovered from that one. Regardless of the outcome, those two have given us some great golf in their playoffs and Ernie should remember that.

We all know that when the story has been told, Tiger will hold all the records. The question of whether or not he was the best golfer doesn't matter, as each of us has our own.

Zach said...

Very well put. I guess there really isn't a "best" per se. Hogan is number one in my book. Jack is definitely number two in my book.

I got so involved talking about his competish and Tiger's lack thereof, that I forgot to comment on the '77 Open.

That last hole was so awesome! Jack has got to be the most persistent golfer to ever play the game. He will not give up, nor will any of the greats. But he really pushed Watson to the limit.

That putt he sank might be the greatest putt in the history of golf. I don't think anybody else could have made that putt. That's just what he brings to the table.

Thanks for posting that video, it made my night.