Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I never thought I'd say it

But Bob Costas may not be that bad. I just watched a lovely video on You Tube in which he says what I've been saying about Barry Bonds. I've been saying that you don't get better with age! I never heard anybody else say that, but Costas did. I'm not sure what year this video is from, but it rocks.

I can't think of an athlete that's more despicable than Barry Bonds. Everybody knows he is guilty, but he just won't say it. I guess he's afraid the truth might tarnish his record. Somebody needs to tell him that it can't possibly be tarnished any more than it is. In a way it's better that he hasn't admitted the truth. That just makes him look even guiltier.

There's no way that piece of crap is going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. That goes for all the other juicers too. None of these cheaters should ever grace the halls of...the Hall.

1 comment:

Chadwick said...

That is a pretty good take on the situation and yes it did help Costas' rank in my book. I too loathe Bonds, but you can't leave out McGuire. His refusal to speak about the past and then complete disappearance from society only leads to one conclusion...GUILTY!

Steroids in baseball is an issue that will never be resolved. The sooner the media and the fans understand that, the sooner we can move forward and get back to some normalcy.

The media in particular needs to get past it. The true fans of baseball know damn well who took steroids and what impact it had on the game. When the media continually brings the issue to the front page, it draws negative attention and high emotions to players that should be exiled from the limelight. Let the unspoken truths speak for themselves.

I personally have moved on and am much happier because of it. I ignore the stories on Bonds and Clemens. They made choices and are living with their decisions. It's as simple as that.