Friday, May 23, 2008

Get that guy some turducken!

I was playing Mario Kart Wii last night when I noticed something; Bowser is fairly reminiscent of John Madden. They both have broad shoulders, big eye brows, big mouths, and big appetites.

Will John Madden be able to exist without Brett Favre in Green Bay? Will NBC have the guts to have a Sunday night game in Green Bay? You know that they'll do some retrospective of Favre's career. It will have some lame music and try to be all dramatic. They're going to try to sell you on the fact that he's the "greatest" quarterback of all time.

Look, he was a great QB, but nowhere near the best. Montana, Johnny U, Elway, Marino, Manning, Moon, Fouts, Stabler, Tarkantan, Ryan Leaf, etc. are all better than Favre. None of those QBs have thrown as many moronic passes as Favre. But I guess they're just not as exciting as he is. Somehow Brett Favre is viewed as being more exciting than John Elway. Right.

The real atrocity is going to be ESPNBAs coverage of a Green Bay game. Can't wait to hear Tony Kornheiser wax poetic about Favre. I'll save my hatred for Kornheiser for another post.

1 comment:

Chadwick said...

Man on fire! Good lord son, where do you come up with this stuff? That steep ascent up those Mayan stairs to your office must invoke some real creativity.

The networks will definitely go Little River Band on us and I'm already picking up a strong scent of Jimmy Roberts. Nothing like an overdone retrospective to brighten a weekend.

There is no escape in site from the Favre pounding we will receive. If the Packers do well, it will be because Aaron Rodgers spent so many years under Brett's tutelage. If they don't, it will be because a team can't possibly be expected to perform when they lose a hall of famer. The only person I feel for in this situation is Rodgers.

Tony Kornheiser has no business being in the booth on Monday night. The only thing that keeps him in there is the fact that he is on PTI. I'd hazard to guess that a majority of NFL fans love that show and give him a pass because of it. Not me. When I watch football, I don't want an editorial. I want stats and carnage.