Friday, May 30, 2008

Doling out some common sense.

HERE is a link to the Fox News story and actual email that Bob Dole sent to the deplorable Scott McClellan. How many times are we going to see this in our time and times to come? Bob hits the nail right on the head when he calls Scott a "miserable creature." Bob also shows his incredible sense of humor when he advises Scott to donate all proceeds to "The Bite The Hand That Fed Me." Good one Bob.

It's about time someone threw these sycophants some chin music. I can't wait to see the heater that actually sends them to first base. Keep the reprisals coming Bob, the Republican party needs a blood transfusion and a marrow implant from a man like you.

1 comment:

Zach said...

I'm glad that somebody finally came out and threw down the gauntlet. Bob Dole just shows that's he's a smart guy.

The media threw him under the bus when he ran against Clinton. They gave him no chance because he's a Republican. I don't understand why Republicans didn't get behind him.

You have these moderates now that are more than willing to jump behind McCain. Because he's going to open the boarders. He's going to take away "obscene" profits from corporations. But he's going to chase Bin Laden to the gates of Hell.

Whatever, McClellan is a total waste of space. Everybody knows he's a loser and he's just trying to cash in on a pack of lies. He's like Algore.