Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stop Yer Bitchin'

I'm sick of it. How in the world can golfers whine about playing conditions when they're in a major? You're playing in a major championship! The Open no less. Did they really expect there to be calm winds and balmy temperatures? It's Great Britain! Everybody knows how crappy the weather can be there.

So I guess the man above whined about the weather while he was winning 5 Open Championships. Tom Watson is just one of the greatest golfers of all-time. So when a nobody like Pat Perez, ZERO tour victories, starts whining about the weather, I get a little irritated.

Who the hell cares what Pat Perez thinks? You'd figure that nobody does, but you'd be wrong. Apparently Gene Wojciechowski cares what Pat has to say. I think Gene just cares about a storyline that is going to cause "controversy." Just like any other member of the drive-by media, he's looking for controversy.

After Pat Perez fired off an 82, he figured that was the perfect fuel for his fire. Unfortunately everybody had to play the same course. So while Pat was in the midst of his wonderful 82, Rocco was in the midst of a masterful 69. So apparently some people have a pair and can brave the elements.

That's the problem with golfers like Pat Perez, they're always looking for an excuse. So his 82 had nothing to do with his horrendous execution. Instead, the weather has to bear all the blame.

This is a direct quote from Wojohojo's article on

"I don't think it's golf at all, to be honest with you. I don't see it as golf. It's blowing 40 [mph]. My hands are so cold and everything is soaked. You can't hold on to the club. I don't see that as golf. They do here, but I don't."

That is Pat Perez's take on the conditions. What a genius! What exactly is it if it's not golf? I'm sorry, does the wind not blow that hard at Pebble? Or any coastal golf course for that matter. So the weather was in the high 50's, ok, dress for it. They did invent these things called "hand warmers."

You won't hear any of these gripes from the European players. Hell, they've got to be loving it because they know some of these limp-wristed players are destined to fold. Those are players that they don't have to think about.

It's like the recurring quote my dad about Jack Nicklaus. I'm going to have to paraphrase because I don't remember it word for word. But Jack said that whenever he heard a player complaining, he knew that was one less person to worry about.

So all the players atop the leader board should be grinning ear to ear. Do you think that Greg Norman is going to be whining? After all that man has been through, this is nothing. You could lob grenades at him all round and it probably wouldn't phase him.

Back to Wojohojo's article. Let's look at another nugget of genius from Pat's mouth. "It makes you look stupid out there," he said. "An 82? I don't shoot 82." Really? I thought he shot an 82 today. That must have been his familiar.

Here's Wojo's endorsement of Pat Perez's credentials: "Perez, who lives in Scottsdale, Ariz., shot 82. It's not as if he's a stiff; he's ranked 54th in the world and already has made more than $1 million this year on the PGA Tour."

Wow! He's 54th in the world. Ok, who the hell ranks these players? Perez shouldn't even be in the top 200. I know there are golfers behind him that have won tournaments. Not only that, there are golfers behind him that have won majors! How is he 54th? The whole ranking system is a sham.

Anyhow, let's hope the weather keeps on keepin' on. I'm ready to watch some more whiners go by the wayside. They don't belong on tour. Send their asses home Birkdale!

p.s. You guys get to play on the best courses in the world! How is that a negative? Would you like to trade places with me and play my course for the rest of your life?

1 comment:

Chadwick said...

Everyone should read THIS article. Yet again, Jack hits the nail on the head. He's so right when he says that the money has taken the place of desire. I don't personally care for the majority of Gene Wojciechowski's articles on This is the guy that said the Packers would be crazy not to take Favre back. That's a different issue, but it just shows where his intentions are...and that is for nothing but recognition.

Pat Perez made some pretty ridiculous comments on Thursday, but he must have eaten his Wheaties because he shot a 68 on Friday. That's one shot short of the cut line. Sorry Pat, but it appears that's not quite good enough. You've got to love karma.

Meanwhile, it appears that the absence of HIM, will end up being the greatest thing that could have happened to the world of golf. We're going to have so many great stories come to the forefront. David Duval is +2 and tied for fouth place. That is beautiful. KJ is in the lead at -1 and last year's winner Padraig is tied for fourth. What a weekend we have ahead of ourselves. Enjoy.